World Championships of Performing Arts

Senior Grand Champion of the World - Acting:  
Hanro Janse van Rensburg 

The official Website of the World Championships of Perfroming Arts



There is NO other event in the world like the World Championships of Performing Ar ts™ (WCOPA)! It is the ONLY performing arts competition in the world in which countries send their “best of the best”! This global event is the ultimate, ONLY world talent championships… just like the Olympics is the ultimate, ONLY international contest for sports!


Some of the critically important essentials about the World Championships of Performing Arts™ (WCOPA) are:

• WCOPA is often cited as the ONLY “Olympics” for talent (aspiring performing artists) in the world!

• While the Olympics is held every four years, WCOPA is held every year!

• Similar to the Olympics, gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded at WCOPA in various age groups and styles of competition plus trophies and plaques are presented to winners and grand champions.

• The Olympics awards only medals (i.e. gold, silver and bronze) and does not guarantee any employment, endorsements, management. Like the Olympics, WCOPA does not guarantee employment, endorsements, management as that is up to the one hundred plus entertainment industry reps (i.e. managers, agents, producers, etc.) who judge, conduct industry seminars and “go-sees” during the 8-day event, July 17 - 25.

• The Olympics does not provide scholarships. However, as education and training are very important priorities with WCOPA, an unprecedented total of $120,000 USD in scholarships is awarded at WCOPA: $20,000 in scholarships from the famed Millennium Dance Complex and $100,000 USD in scholarships from the esteemed Conservatory of Dramatic Arts for Film and Television in New York . No other international event in the world offers this practice and amounts of scholarships!

• The Olympics has an “Opening Ceremonies”! And WCOPA has a colorful Opening Ceremonies' Parade of Nations in which representatives from the various countries are in beautiful national costumes with each nation's flag proudly flown in front of the marching team of talent!

• The Olympics has a “Closing Ceremonies”! The Closing Ceremonies for WCOPA is an exciting finals pitting the “best of the best” from rounds of eliminations to select the Grand Champions of each competition category and then ultimately the Junior and Senior Grand Champion Performers of the World.

• After the finals, WCOPA stages a thrilling “Breakfast of Champions” honoring the World Grand Champions with special ‘Wheaties' awards.

• Each year over 75,000 throughout the world apply to be selected to represent their respective nations at WCOPA.

• Contestants from over 40 countries compete in dancing, singing, modeling, acting, comedy, bands, instrumentalists, variety.

• This international meet celebrates its 14 th year in “ Hollywood ”, the entertainment capital of the world.

• As the only annual international event of its kind held annually in “ Hollywood ”, it is posted on the U.S. Department of State intranet.

• There are “Junior” (ages 5 – 15) and “Senior” (16 and over) categories of competitions.

• Well-wishers include industry VIPs and celebrities such as Al Gore, Debbie Allen, Ann-Margret and many others.

• This prestigious worldwide meet is invitation only … contestants around the world must be qualified and invited by licensed national directors and scouts in order to participate! The Olympics, World Cup, Miss Universe, WCOPA and other legitimate international contests authorize entities in specific countries to recruit, select and operate the respective teams of competitors certified to advance to the final event.


Adding to the many unmatched activities and privileges ONLY for official contestants of all ages attending the World Championships of Performing Arts (WCOPA) in Hollywood in July 2011 is the invaluable WORLDSTARS BOOT CAMP. This is a full day of the most comprehensive entertainment educational training, seminars, and workshops given by renowned experts in the fields of modeling, acting, performing, singing, music and dancing exclusively provided to models and talent from around the world participating at WCOPA. A sampling of camp highlights and mentors are:

• The legendary “vocal coach of the stars” whose students have garnered over 120 Grammy’s and include superstars such as Michael Jackson, Madonna, David Archuleta, Josh Groban, Prince, Stevie Wonder, Cher, Tina Turner, Natalie Cole, and many others. To be in the same room as this world famous icon will indeed be a rare privilege and honor!

• Seven-time Emmy nominee and three-time Emmy winning producer and choreographer.

• One of the world’s most famous fashion designers whose celebrity clients include Angelina Jolie, Ivanka Trump, the cast of “Desperate Housewives”, Eva Mendes, Heather Locklear, and many more.

• The modeling industry: training, careers, and "the business".

• Senior Talent Agent with offices in New York and Hollywood presenting “audition techniques”.

• One of the world’s foremost psychologists and radio talk show hosts giving exclusive tips on “How to overcome stage fright”.

• Seven-time Grammy nominee and two-time Grammy winning independent music label owner.

• One of Hollywood’s most celebrated agents with celebrity clients on several hit TV series.

• Several of the world’s top dance choreographers from the famed Millennium Dance Complex teaching some of the most dazzling routines ever created.

• Amazing information and tutoring for actors and performers including TV camera techniques, business operations, marketing, and vital “tools of the trade” from the celebrated New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts School of Film and Television.

Many entertainment industry "movers and shakers" from Hollywood, Nashville, New York, and around the world have praised WCOPA for creating such an innovative program that reveals profound, honest, accurate, and professional instruction for aspiring performers and entertainers! Truly, there is no monetary value that could ever be affixed to this unique educational experience and honor exclusively offered ONLY to the qualified and invited WCOPA contestants!


It is extremely important that YOU, a contestant to the World Championships of Performing Arts (WCOPA) be fully prepared for the competition! This means everything from training, appropriate attire, the right positive mental attitude… to the actual performance.


Remember, WCOPA is structured to provide you the contestant, an unmatched “auditioning experience” . Some contestants may not realize this nor do they fully appreciate it at the time! This global event is invaluable for those who take advantage of this rare opportunity. Think of WCOPA as a massive, critically important casting call where one is auditioning to become “the best that you can be”… in other words “a true winner”! And your National Director is there proudly encouraging you all the way!


This means having the right photographs and resumes available for distribution, knowing how to interview, and showing incomparable talent within a prescribed time frame.


A most important preparatory and fun step is of course creating the “knock-out performance” ! For those unfamiliar with “ Hollywood ” and “Broadway” auditions, impressing the “judges” within a very short period of time is typically the KEY for success! Casting directors, producers or those assigned to select talent really are not interested in sitting through 2 or 3 minutes of a song, dance or monolog. Generally, they must listen to and see hundreds if not thousands of applicants. So an “auditioner making an instant, indelible impression” is CRITICAL! It must be done swiftly! This is the reason why the performance time limit at WCOPA is 60 seconds! One's performance (to include talent, stage presence, entertainment and marketing value) must captivate a “judge” from start to finish within a short time-frame! For the clever entrants working in concert with their coaches, the 60-second time period is fantastic as it allows them to fully edit and solely demonstrate only positive, exciting talent! Apparent flaws or weaknesses can be skillfully corrected or eliminated from a well-crafted performance within that time framework!


Emphasis is placed on “natural looks” (hair and make-up), excellent body tone, appropriate weight, ability to walk the runway correctly, and… that all-important stage presence. Models need hair, makeup and clothing to be done tastefully and age appropriate. Runway walk and stance should also be done in good taste and age appropriate. And, kids are to look like kids.


Before coming to WCOPA, every act should perform before audiences of any size as frequently as possible. Having extreme self-confidence and complete stage presence during your performance is critically important. And this comes only by performing before people as often as possible. Total stage confidence is an absolute prerequisite to a “job well done”! Fund-raisers which spotlight contestant performances can provide deserved financial assistance for your participation at WCOPA and necessary stage experience.


It is always recommended that delegates come to WCOPA a few days early to rest and sightsee. The schedule of activities, events and competitions is HECTIC! You need to have appropriate rest and food during this event in order to perform your best!


As in actual casting, one seeks to get a “call-back” or to advance to the next round! And this is how WCOPA also operates! There are rounds of eliminations leading ultimately to the finals! Thus, the 60-second time limit is truly your best friend! If skillful in creating a 60-second or less positive talent performance, contestants are then able to really demonstrate “only their very best capabilities” thereby increasing the odds for achievement and success.


Invaluable seminars and workshops are given by entertainment industry icons during WCOPA. Every contestant (and directors, coaches, parents) should take advantage of attending as many seminars as possible. Accurate, honest and legitimate entertainment industry education is invaluable!


An important aspect of WCOPA is the rare, privileged opportunity “to network”. During this global event, a contestant should take advantage of introducing oneself and getting business cards or contact information from as many entertainment industry personnel as possible. These potential valuable “contacts” will be judging, conducting seminars and “go-sees”/call-backs. So don't be shy! Meet and network with these “movers and shakers” of the entertainment industry at WCOPA. It could pay off for you in the future.


Another important step is preparing to learn from each performance or “audition”. If one doesn't perform well or doesn't advance, learn from that experience! No one likes a “sore loser” so it is important to always remember that good sportsmanship is mandatory for a true champion! If one hasn't impressed the judges well enough to proceed to the next round or win a medal, then that simply means more work is needed! Don't give in to pathetic excuses or despair! Just mentally understand that this experience allows you the opportunity to work harder and smarter for excellence so that next time a superb performance can be achieved! Whether one advances or not to the next round at WCOPA is not as important as benefitting from the incomparable experience! Anyone who competes at WCOPA gains treasured experience that will especially benefit you back home: you will truly be experienced and better prepared for auditions and opportunities that arise in your country or region!


Remember, you will get out of this event exactly what you put into it! There is no monetary value that can ever be calculated for your experiences at WCOPA:

you are a privileged participant qualified, screened, and invited to represent your country at the one-and-only 13 th annual official “Olympics for Talent” in “ Hollywood ”, the entertainment capital of the world…

you will stay at one of America 's most beautiful and luxurious hotels…

you will see and officially represent your country in a thrilling, colorful Opening Ceremonies “Parade of Nations”…

you are part of an international organization which has the only “Performing Arts Hall of Fame” honoring celebrities and VIPs from the entertainment industry…

you will attend priceless educational entertainment industry seminars…

you will experience authentic entertainment industry “casting-call” scenarios…

you will compete with the best from around the world…

you will perform before and be judged by entertainment industry elite professionals from Hollywood , Nashville , New York …

you have the unrivaled opportunity “to network” with industry persons (i.e. agents, managers, casting directors, producers, music industry reps)…

you will appreciate an unbelievable, impressive final night spectacle featuring returning world champion guest performers and “the best of the best” competitors adjudicated by an unmatched celebrity VIP panel of judges…

you will have the chance to audition for representatives from the Conservatory for Film and Television in New York which is awarding $50,000 USD total in scholarships…

you may be one of the “Grand Champions” invited to the revered “WCOPA Breakfast Ceremonial” the morning after the finals and presented with the specially created official “Wheaties, the Breakfast of Champions” Award…

you will experience a spectacular, memorable “World Talent Awards Ceremonies” in which gold, silver and bronze medals along with trophies are presented…

you will celebrate at the concluding “Winners Party”, where everyone who participated at WCOPA is acclaimed a WINNER…

you will be genuinely prepared for your next “audition” (whether it's show business; a job interview; completing a hobby, task or education) resulting from your WCOPA experience…

you will meet and make friends from all over the world…

you will have indescribable, wonderful memories to be cherished for a lifetime!